About Us

Who We Are

The Mediation Center of the Pacific, established in 1979, is one of the oldest community dispute resolution centers in the United States.

The Mediation Center of the Pacific (MCP) is a 501(c)(3) not for profit corporation that was founded in 1979 to provide Hawaii’s people with peaceful approaches to working through conflict. The MCP was one of the earliest established community mediation centers in the nation, and it has continued to grow and evolve since that time. Over the years, the MCP has developed programs and processes that meet the unique needs of Hawaii’s culturally diverse populations. Parties in conflict are assisted in resolving their immediate dispute, as well as in improving communication and strengthening their relationships for the future.

In addition to providing direct mediation and dispute resolution services, the MCP is a critical resource for creating innovative dispute resolution trainings and programs for Hawaii’s courts, schools, businesses, and communities. Through these trainings and programs, more people have the opportunity to work through their conflicts and avoid a legal or administrative proceeding.

The many opportunities provided by the MCP to prevent and resolve disputes quickly and affordably through culturally sensitive processes are a vital resource for Hawaii’s residents.

Many people have pledged to choose mediation first when resolving a conflict. You can join them by adding your signature to the Mediation Pledge and find others who have also agreed to accessing mediation first.

Our Mission

The MCP, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit agency whose mission is to provide high quality mediation and dispute resolution services that are affordable and accessible.

The MCP has been in existence since 1979 and currently serves more than 13,000 people annually through its community mediation and training programs. The underlying goals of the MCP’s mission are:

Building stronger communities through families, schools, the workplace and neighborhoods by reducing conflict; building collaboration; improving communication; teaching skills in managing conflict and self-sufficiency; and providing a model of practice for conflict resolution.

Why Choose Us?


MCP ensures that services are accessible to everyone. You may participate in mediation at MCP’s office conveniently located at 1301 Young Street or via videoconference. Individuals without the appropriate equipment or internet access may also use MCP’s equipment in a private room to participate virtually.


All mediations are conducted by highly trained, professional mediators.


MCP charges each party a flat fee based on their income for each three-hour session.


Parties have the option of selecting a mediator from MCP’s panel of independent contractor mediators for an hourly fee

2024-2025 Board Of Directors

John A. Morris


Bruce McEwan

Vice President

Signe Godfrey


Joanna Amberger



Justice Simeon Acoba (Ret.)

Gordon M. Arakaki

Sidney Ayabe

Sheri-Ann Lau Clark

Mike Cruise

William Darrah

Kale Feldman

Matt Hunter

Terri O’Connell

Alison Zecha

Unyong Nakata

Board of Advisors

Ann Botticelli

Kellie Chun

Jerry Rauckhorst

Jerry Clay

Larry Rodriguez

Michael Erne

Walt Schroeder

Dolores Foley

Emeritus Directors

Cynthia Alm

Susan Lampe

David Simons

Executive Director

Tracey S. Wiltgen