Special Education

Preventing and Resolving Conflicts Involving the Education of Students with Special Needs

The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) encourages parents and schools to collaborate and work together as a united support for each student. When differences arise, mediation provides parents and schools with the opportunity to work out solutions to meet the individual needs of the student, with the assistance of an impartial mediator.

Full information about the program and how mediation works is available in the brochure below.

How do I schedule a Special Education Mediation?

Parents may contact the Mediation Center directly at (808) 521-6767 to request a mediation session.

Schools may email a completed “Request for Mediation” Form to mcp@mediatehawaii.org

Preparing for Mediation

  • There is no cost to the parent, school or district.
  • Mediation agreements are binding.
  • A copy of the signed agreement is faxed to the Special Education Office for monitoring.
  • Mediation can repair and strengthen relationships between parents and schools and help them focus together on the needs of the student.
  • If mediation is not successful, a parent or school may still request a due process hearing.

*There is no cost to parents or the school to mediate.