Employment Mediation

Conflict in the workplace impacts everyone. It affects productivity and the bottom line. It can create disruption, wasted time, lead to the loss of key workers and low morale, and even result in property damage or costly mistakes.
From co-worker disputes to disagreements between supervisors and employees, mediation offers a confidential, safe forum to discuss the issues, gain an understanding of one another’s perspective and work through differences.

An employment mediation may be scheduled in two ways:

  • The employees may contact MCP directly to schedule a mediation session
  • Management may contact MCP and provide the names of the employees who are willing to participate in a mediation session

*A flat $250 fee for a three-hour mediation session is charged to businesses that refer their employees to mediation.

Every business is encouraged to educate their employees about the opportunity to mediate first and mediate early.

Empowering employees to resolve their own issues through mediation can lead to fewer formal complaints, high morale and increased work productivity.

Direct Referral Program

For large companies and organizations, MCP offers a direct referral option.
  • First, a representative from MCP will provide an overview of mediation to the employees, to help them understand the benefits of mediating and how the program works.
  • When a conflict arises, the employees involved may request mediation through their supervisor or management may recommend mediation.
  • If the employees agree to mediate, management may complete a form and email it directly to MCP’s Client Services Department who will then schedule a confidential mediation session.